Not Sure if You Need an Attorney? CONTACT ME TODAY


If you own real estate, you have probably taken considerable risk, expended a great deal of effort and have spent a significant amount of money to take possession of your property. If your property is damaged, threatened or encumbered, you deserve experienced, effective legal representation to enforce your property rights.

What real estate issues do you help with?

  • If another party has encumbered your title, I can bring an action to quiet title in order to establish your claim, thus "quieting" challenges to your claim to the title.

  • If your ownership interest in personal property, equipment or a business is threatened, I can file suit to protect your assets.

  • If you are the victim of fraud, including mortgage and title fraud, I can represent you to obtain funds and establish ownership of purchased property.

  • A real estate attorney can also ensure that land is properly used according to zoning laws and can help ensure that you do not pay penalties or fines for improper use of your property.

When should I hire a real estate attorney?

You do not have to hire a real estate attorney for all transactions, but it may be a good idea, especially for homebuyers. A real estate attorney can review the transaction history of the property and be sure that it's actually eligible for sale. In addition, a good real estate attorney can review the sales contract to be sure it's fair to all the involved parties.



What kind of real estate cases have you handled?

I have handled several cases involving title actions and other real estate litigation including:

One client failed to receive her disclosure papers at the time of her residential real estate closing and later learned that her broker had transferred the property to a third party. I am currently pursuing an aggressive case for fraud.

In another case, my client purchased property which the seller and title stated had been legally subdivided. The client later learned that the property had not been subdivided and was subsequently worth far less. I negotiated a settlement favoring our client.

A client wished to establish a mixed-use, residential and commercial "safe house" as an extension of the church he founded. The neighborhood in which the safe house is to be established attempted to stop its development. I brought the matter to the city council and argued successfully for a conditional-use permit, allowing our client to proceed with his plans.

Talk to me if you have real estate law questions.

Regardless of whether you are buying a home or a commercial property, you should seek the advice of an experienced real estate attorney. I can explain the nuances of zoning and title transfers to ensure not just that your purchase goes smoothly, but that your plans and goals for the property can be achieved.


If you have questions regarding actions to quiet title, real estate disputes, and real estate litigation, contact me today. I have helped numerous individuals in the Downey area with issues related to their property or real estate. I know how valuable your time and money are, which is why I’m committed to resolving your legal matter as quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.